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Christmas Gifts for Men

Gifts for men: Finding the perfect present for the special man in your life

Buying gifts for men at this time of year can be both stressful and financially draining. For that matter, buying gifts for men at any time of year can bring on those feelings of dread. Yes, giving is meant to fill us with joy but it is always what comes before the ‘giving’ part that is far from joyful.

The area of gifts for the man in your life can always be a tough one. Let's be honest, gift buying season is hard work. You have to decide what everyone may want or need and then you then have to find it and at a reasonable price. Then you have to wrap them all and send them - when relatives live far away. Queuing up at your local post office (if you are lucky enough to still have one) only to find that the postage is crippling. Sending out all these things can almost double the cost of the original present and that is never a nice feeling.

Uncovering the Perfect Gifts for Men

Buying gifts for men in your life whether it is your partner, dad, brother or uncle can sometimes be the hardest part of all. It is no wonder a lot of men end up with socks and a novelty tie at Christmas (or multiple versions of the former). They then have to feign gratitude while you explain how useful it is to have some brand new socks in the sock drawer.

You then justify the purchase by explaining that they do wear out quickly etc. etc. Finding nice presents for children and women always seems like an easier and more enjoyable task. That is why we have collected together some more interesting and original present ideas for that man in your life. Hopefully this will take away some of the panic usually created when buying gifts for men. Hopefully stopping you from ending up with a million pairs of socks to wrap up on Christmas eve, while you wonder why you couldn’t have been more imaginative.

Pool and Snooker Tables

“Way too big and expensive,” I hear you cry, but this is not always the case and often worthwhile. It is a classic pastime that has been around for centuries. There are many tables available that are smaller than a full size table but will still give anyone a good game.

There are a number of 6ft pool tables which can be found around the £200 mark and many of them fold quite easily so masses of storage space is not needed. We would recommend tables with ‘leg levellers’ which will make sure the table is flat even if placed on uneven ground. If you have a garage to put one in even better. It is always a good way of keeping your other half out from under your feet - and maybe even the children too! This type of present is worth the investment. In our experience this kind of gift for men will get used over and over again and will not be a fad that will be tired of quickly.

Football, Rugby or any Sport

So we know not every male is a sports fan. Without pushing an antequated stereotype, we know many men enjoy a little kick around in the garden. Sports balls are relatively cheap, easy to send in the post if necessary, and will most likely awaken that child lurking in every man. There is a great collection of sports balls right here at the Sports Ball Shop.

Have you thought about Basketball as an option? This could be a good present for many men in your life, from your youngest child to your other half. A basketball backboard can be inexpensive and not too big. They also give everyone an excuse to get outside and have a little bit of a competition while getting some exercise at the same time. Bee-Ball do a great range of backboards. Have a look at the selection by clicking here.

Gifts for Men - Basketball Backboard

Remote Control Fun

I'm not sure I know one man who is not a fan of something that is controlled using a remote. From the television to remote control cars, this is surely a winning idea. Remote control cars, helicopters, trucks and motorbikes are all some of the toys (yes, they are toys) that could put a smile on any mans face this Christmas. Drones are still a thing, but you can't fly them everywhere so need to be craeful if you get one of these!

There are even a few remote control gadgets out there that can be controlled using apps on a phone or tablet. Our favourite high street shops for these gifts are TK Maxx and Menkind. This may be the type of gift that could very well land in the bin after a few hits. When we say hits we mean crashes. It won't be something they are expecting on the big day. For this reason we would suggest buying a cheap-ish model so when the helicopter crashes and breaks you are not too bothered about the loss (although they will be!) Most children would love a gift like this too, so we would suggest getting them their own if your other half wants a look-in on Christmas day. Just don't forget to buy batteries if they are required!

Gifts for Him: Experience Days

Experience Days

With the rise of Groupon-type websites, experiences and days out are definitely on the rise when it comes to present buying. Red letter days used to rule the roost when it came to experience days, but now there are so many options out there it is hard to know where to start! has a great section for experiences on their website. This is because they allow you to filter down the experiences by type, location and price.

Our tips for choosing the best possible 'experience' gift are as follows:

  • Set yourself a realistic budget - for him and also for both of you (if it is something you can do together).
  • Decide how far you are willing to travel to said experience, as this can ramp up the costs if you end up going somewhere where you have to stay the night.
  • Read the small print again and again! Especially with deals which are 'offers' find out what the exclusions are. There may be some you can only use on weekdays or you may have to book a date a certain amount of time in advance. Most deals will only have a set time period in which you can use them, so make sure you think it is possible for the experience to be used within this time frame.
  • Check what is included - sometimes food and refreshments are included, and sometimes you may be expected to buy lunch or drinks wherever you are (and this could be pricey). If in doubt, contact the venue or organiser of the experience to check before you commit to anything.
  • Check how long the experience will last - you may think you have found a bargain sports car driving experience. However, it may be disappointing to turn up on the day to find you only get half and hour in the car! Some of these are self-drive and some you are driven by an experienced driver so again, read the small print before you buy.

Whatever you decide to buy for the man in your life this Christmas, make sure you buy in plenty of time. Thus avoiding that pair of socks landing in your shopping basket for the fifteenth year running!

Tags: Gift Buying